Sharma Strategy Consulting, LLC
Dallas, TX, USA
Sr. Associate
(Management Analyst)
Sharma Strategy
Consulting, LLC
Dallas, TX
Create complex analysis &
comp models to understand
market dynamics & growth oppty's & shape client strategy by advising mgmt of Fortune 500 co's on long term biz strategy. Advise
project teams on key expan-
sion issues, incl. mergers &
acquisitions. Interview clients,
customers & competitive
org's to compile data & prep
& present oral & written corp
analysis & strategy reports to sr. client mgmt. Req: Bach in Fin, Analytics, Biz, Statistics
or reltd field & 5 yrs of exp. Mstrs Deg will sub for exp. Mail resumes to Sharma Strategy Consulting, LLC Attn: HR, 4327 Bluffview Blvd Dallas, TX 75209.
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