Los Angeles, CA, USA
CSS Payroll Co, L.P. (Los Angeles, CA) seeks Engineering Manager, Developer Platform. Reqs Master's in CompSci or Engg (Comp or Electricl) +3yrs exp in pos offrd or Sftwr Engr/Dvlpr pos or Bach in CompSci or Engg (Comp or Electricl) +5yrs prgrssv post-Bach exp in pos offrd or Sftwr Engr/Dvlpr pos. All reqd exp mustv incld dvlpng lrg-scale distrbtd sys sftwr thru mult prdct cycles; writng tchncl dsgn docs; collabrtng w/ cross-func'l teams outside of their immdiate domain thrghout dvpmt prcess; prgrmmg in Java, Pythn & JavaScrpt; wrkng w/ bld tools like Bazel, Gradle, Maven or CMake; wrkng w/ Jenkns or othr CI/CD sys; prfmng unit testng, func'l integr'n testng & load/scale testng; collctng & rspndng to user feedbck; & applyng knwldg of scalablty, prfmnce, concurrncy, data consistncy, full-stack sftwr profilng & fault tolrance. #LI-DNI. Telecommutng permttd from US locatn. Salary $227,000/yr. E-mail res to: recblid...