Department of Quantitative Health Sciences, Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH, USA
pThe Cleveland Clinic a href=""strongDepartment of Quantitative Health Sciences/strong/a has a faculty opening, at the Cleveland Ohio Main Campus, for an early to mid-career biostatistician with interest in a long-term commitment to lead biostatical collaborations with a href=""strongCleveland Clinic's Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health (LRCBH)/strong/a. The center is dedicated to the care of patients with memory loss, dementia and other cognitive/behavioral disorders of aging, nbsp;the pursuit of a better understanding of the underlying pathobiology of these disorders, and the development of more effective treatments. The center is located on the main campus of the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. The LRCBH is home to the NIA sponsored Cleveland Alzheimerrsquo;s Disease Research Center (CADRC) and has a Research Center of Excellence designation by the Lewy Body...