Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Rivian has multiple positions available in Irvine, CA. Refer to Job Ref # & email resume to Rivian Automotive, LLC: Sr. Chassis Engineers (Job Ref #: SCE24XD Dsgn, release & vldte chassis strctrs cmpnents frm cncpt to prdction, incldng wshbnes, uprghts, sbfrms, & axle assmblies. Salary Range: $137,000-$148,000/yr. Sr. Craftsmanship Quality Engineers (Job Ref #: SCQE24VGS) Lead dvlpmnt of vhcle-lvl crftsmnshp for Rivian elctrc vhcle prdcts. Salary Range: $137,000-$143,000/yr. Sr. Business Analysts (Job Ref #: SBA24AGV) Rspnsble to brdge the gap btween bsness stkhldrs & tchncl teams, ensrng sccssful implmntatn & optmztn of SrvceNow solutns. This is a telewrk opprtnty. Salary Range: $108,000-$143,000/yr. Staff Product Sustainability Engineers (Job Ref #: SPSE25CKH) Ply a key rle in dsgning sustnblity for all Rivian prdcts. Salary Range: $172,000-$227,000/yr. Rivian, LLC has the following positions available in Irvine, CA. Refer to Job Ref #...