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Veterans News & Events | August 3, 2017

Veterans News & Events | August 3, 2017

Veterans News & Events | August 3, 2017 

(Please Note: The Veterans News compiled and transmitted by Wayne M. Gatewood, Jr., USMC (Ret), does not endorse the views and/or facts presented, or any commercial products that may be advertised or available on external links. The presence of a link to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring of that site, or the views or privacy policies contained therein).




Statement by VA Secretary David J. Shulkin - Congressional Approval of VA Choice Funding Legislation  https://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=2935



VA OIG - Administrative Investigation - Improper Approval and Use of Leave, VA Medical Center, Chillicothe, Ohiohttps://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/VAOIG-15-04374-313.pdf



VA Answers Governor Christie's Call on Opioid, Launches S.T.O.P. P.A.I.N Advices and Guidelines.  https://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=2934



VA OIG - Administrative Investigation - Failure to Follow VA Policy, VA Medical Center, Washington, DC.  https://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/VAOIG-15-01119-315.pdf




VA OIG - Healthcare Inspection - Opioid Prescribing to High-Risk Veterans Receiving VA Purchased Carehttps://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/VAOIG-17-01846-316.pdf




VA Office of Inspector General Releases Inspection Report on Opioid Prescribing.https://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/press-releases/VAOIG-OpioidPrescribingPressRelease.pdf



VA OIG - Clinical Assessment Program Review of the W.G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center, Salisbury, North Carolina.  https://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/VAOIG-16-00576-310.pdf



VA OIG - Inspection of the Veterans Service Center Cheyenne, Wyoming.  https://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/VAOIG-17-00962-262.pdf



Veterans Affairs Media Summary and News Clips for Wednesday, August 2, 2017. Read here...



Veterans Affairs Media Summary and News Clips for Tuesday, August 1, 2017. Read here...




DOD Contracts Awarded for Wednesday, August 2, 2017.  https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract-View/Article/1265704/source/GovDelivery/



DOD Contracts Awarded for Tuesday, August 1, 2017.  https://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract-View/Article/1264185/source/GovDelivery/




JUST IN: GSA Chooses 10 for $50B EIS Telecom Contract.   From Washington Technology. https://washingtontechnology.com/articles/2017/08/01/gsa-eis award.aspx?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWlRBNE5XUmtaVEZtTVRobCIsInQiOiJjYXlUNUZaK3h1QXYwUDdBVnlqUUZBVm96RTJUdmwydno3ckZVRERWSE1ySHNOb0FEYklUTlB5ZlF1VUY3MjhnZmJhVGd6d0gyK3NZbDFnQXR1OEhZM2x2N3lGYWt1emN2cUY1R1VTMEVkcGhMclgzQTFnQnR1M1RzeUs3YTVVRSJ9 



Defense and Ex-Im Update for Wednesday, August 2, 2017. Provided by Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services.  Read here...



Defense and Ex-Im Update for Tuesday, August 1, 2017. Provided by Gary Stanley, President, Global Legal Services.  Read here...




Defense News - Early Bird Brief for Wednesday, August 2, 2017.  http://link.defensenews.com/view/5873e065a22762ca768b456c637af.u9x/d7a4af98



Defense News - Early Bird Brief for Tuesday, August 1, 2017. http://link.defensenews.com/view/5873e065a22762ca768b456c62zfh.uat/ae3c0de9



Non Commissioned Officers Association NCOAdvocacy Newsletter for August 1, 2017.  https://www.votervoice.net/iframes/NCOA/newsletters/26622



Reserve Officers Association (ROA) SmartBrief for Wednesday, August 2, 2017. http://www2.smartbrief.com/servlet/encodeServlet?issueid=102032C6-0017-49A2-8D77-FD7CA29EB750&sid=97fc7e62-fef0-4d78-aeb8-a2a54d351b58



CONNECTED WARRIOR for August 2, 2017 – New from our friends at 1105 Media.https://connectedwarrior.com/Home.aspx



POLITICO Morning Defense for Wednesday, August 2, 2017. A Daily Briefing from Inside Washington’s National Security Apparatus. http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-defense/2017/08/02/mattis-and-tillerson-set-to-testify-on-aumf-in-the-senate-221654



POLITICO Morning Defense for Tuesday, August 1, 2017. A Daily Briefing from Inside Washington’s National Security Apparatus.  http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-defense/2017/08/01/pentagon-set-to-unveil-new-acquisition-structure-221637



SmartBrief on Leadership for Wednesday, August 2, 2017.  http://www2.smartbrief.com/servlet/encodeServlet?issueid=FED30D91-7242-4485-BE05-8967DB62307A&sid=97fc7e62-fef0-4d78-aeb8-a2a54d351b58



SmartBrief on Leadership for Tuesday, August 1, 2017.  http://www2.smartbrief.com/servlet/encodeServlet?issueid=E75E18A8-C45A-4145-9D53-EF7C44D58282&sid=97fc7e62-fef0-4d78-aeb8-a2a54d351b58



FCW Daily for Wednesday, August 2, 2017 – Compliments of 1105 Government Information Group. 




FCW Daily for Tuesday, August 1, 2017 – Compliments of 1105 Government Information Group. 





Washington Technology Daily for Wednesday, August 2, 2017 – Compliments of 1105 Government Information Group.  https://washingtontechnology.com/newsletters/wtdaily/2017/08/aug02.aspx?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTURKalpqWmxNREV3TVdSaCIsInQiOiI2TWVIMHhsVGpCbGxNYkR4aEdnd3krY2c4YXZ2aU03cWlIakNkN2FpWFduMytpc1ZmQVJhcHVXb0NDMTk2bndkb2ptT1hCaE15NGVsRzFTK2tGQXpSK0RldXpsV2VvN1FKY1crcDdYaklRZkZCTjcrUTBIQ3F4RXhmYWQreGFvZyJ9



Washington Technology Daily for Tuesday, August 1, 2017 – Compliments of 1105 Government Information Group.  https://washingtontechnology.com/newsletters/wtdaily/2017/08/aug01.aspx?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTlRnM05EVmxZalpoT0RFeiIsInQiOiJzbHhRR2RGS2p4Z0tDazFtQTN0ZDNweDJkUzNsU3R0RVZ0Wkxzb0JNTXZJNzJSTXRVRXJ0MXI0c2JUTUJldlQ0aWp3RkxnRTc0VkpLMVZwRk1vT2cyMWdyaUdlamVjTk5zdlJcL3FhZXRzVW9aRE9taXdmdU9cLysxWTNGTFNlQ1B3In0=



Your 6:00 am GovConWire - Top News from Executive Mosaic.  http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?e=859b48c2d3&u=9447c61bfb9058cb4553aedbf&id=4011997af1




Your 12:00 pm Daily ExecutiveBiz Headlines.  http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?e=859b48c2d3&u=9447c61bfb9058cb4553aedbf&id=8d58a174fd



Your 5:00 pm GovCon Daily ExecutiveBiz Headlines.  http://us4.campaign-archive2.com/?e=859b48c2d3&u=9447c61bfb9058cb4553aedbf&id=8fe2dbd9aa


A Variety of Veterans News from Variety of Sources
Veterans find prostate cancer cure at Richmond VA hospital:  Thanks to the nationwide scope of the Veterans Health Administration, a national referral program has allowed Veterans from around the country to descend on the McGuire VA Medical Center in Richmond for treatment of moderate to aggressive forms of prostate cancer.  Prostate cancer is the second-most common type of cancer among American men, who make up the largest population of Veterans. The most common form of treatment in most VA facilities is external beam radiation, a six to nine week process that involves treatments five days a week.  
New York Times   Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise Fears of Aggression.  Russia is preparing to send as many as 100,000 troops to the eastern edge of NATO territory at the end of the summer, one of the biggest steps yet in the military buildup undertaken by President Vladimir V. Putin and an exercise in intimidation that recalls the most ominous days of the Cold War.  
Yonhap News Agency  Tillerson to visit Southeast Asia, discuss N. Korea  U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to Southeast Asia later this week to attend a series of regional meetings expected to focus on North Korea and other issues, his office said Tuesday.  
Deutsche Welle   US tells North Korea: 'We are not your enemy'  US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the United States would like to have a dialogue with North Korea and isn't seeking to topple its regime. Efforts to curb the rogue state's nuclear program have had little effect.  
Washington Examiner  Senate confirms Trump's Navy secretary, seven other Pentagon nominees The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Richard V. Spencer to be the new Navy secretary, along with seven other civilians to fill key positions at the Pentagon.  
Military Times  Lawsuit accuses DoD of not securing millions of troops' personal info Vietnam Veterans of America is suing the Defense Department for potentially exposing personal information of millions of current and former service members through lax oversight of its Servicemembers Civil Relief Act website. 
Defense News   Marine Osprey tiltrotor proves its worth in the Asia-Pacific  Five years after its arrival in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, the Boeing MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor is proving to be an integral part of operations for forward-deployed U.S. Marines in the region.  
Defense News  Destroyer sailor missing, presumed overboard in the South China Sea A sailor from the destroyer Stethem is missing in the South China Sea, U.S. Pacific Fleet confirmed Tuesday, triggering a search-and-rescue operation inside the contested waters.  
Air Force Times  Investigators: Heat stroke killed airman during SERE training A 21-year-old airman died of heat stroke during Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training last July, according to an Air Force investigation report released Tuesday.  
Military.com    Commandant: 'I Will Not Break Faith' With Transgender Coast Guardsmen As military services await guidance following President Donald Trump's announcement last week via Twitter of a ban on transgender service members, the commandant of the Coast Guard is speaking out, saying he has no intention of leaving transgender Coast Guardsmen out in the cold.  
DAV  Army Veteran Becomes First Woman to Lead Big Three Veterans Service Organization.  Retired Army veteran Delphine Metcalf-Foster was elected National Commander of the nearly 1.3 million-member DAV (Disabled American Veterans) today at the organization’s 96th National Convention.  She becomes the first woman veteran, as well as African-American female, to assume the organization’s highest post. She is also the first female elected to lead one of the country’s major veterans service organizations.  Metcalf-Foster followed in the footsteps of her father, a Buffalo soldier, by pursuing …  
The Washington Post (AP):  Senate Oks $3.9B to Address VA’s Looming Budget Crisis.  The Senate approved a pair of bills Tuesday taking aim at urgent problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs, clearing a $3.9 billion emergency spending package to fix a looming budget crisis and adopting new measures to pare down a rapidly growing backlog of veterans' disability claims. Both bills passed by unanimous vote.  
Washington Examiner:  Senate votes to boost VA healthcare funding by $2.1 billion.  The Senate quickly passed legislation Tuesday night that would boost funding for a key Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare program by $2.1 billion, in a vote that sends the bill to President Trump's desk. The legislation is a response to recent warnings from the VA that funding for its Veterans Choice Program would expire soon without an act of Congress.  
Stars and Stripes:  Senate passes VA Choice funding deal, sends bill to White House.  The Senate on Tuesday evening passed a funding deal to provide $2.1 billion to the nearly bankrupt Veterans Choice Program while investing another $1.8 billion in Department of Veterans Affairs personnel and facilities. The bill, a bipartisan compromise negotiated between House and Senate lawmakers last week, would avert the threat of interrupted medical care for thousands of veterans and inject enough money into the Choice program to keep it going for the next six months.  
Military Times:  Senate advances VA Choice fix, claims appeals reform package.  Senate lawmakers quietly advanced two major Veterans Affairs reform bills on Tuesday night, sending a funding fix for the Choice program to the White House and queuing up a benefits claim appeals reform package to become law later this year. Both measures were passed by voice vote in the waning hours of the Senate’s session, as lawmakers look to leave town for an extended legislative recess.  
Stars and Stripes:  Senate passes VA appeals reform bill.  The Senate unanimously passed legislation Tuesday evening to reform the process veterans use to appeal claims for benefits – a system that now leaves veterans waiting years to receive earned disability compensation and health care. The legislation creates three ways for veterans to appeal their claims for benefits.  
Military Times   Advocates push senators to pass GI Bill expansion before summer recess House lawmakers overwhelmingly passed a massive expansion to GI Bill benefits last week. Now supporters are wondering if Senate officials will be able to do the same.  
Stars and Stripes:  ‘Forever GI Bill’ losing momentum? Advocates intensify push for Senate vote.  The House unanimously passed a large expansion of veterans education benefits last week, just nine days after the legislation was introduced in that chamber. But advocates are now concerned that momentum has been lost in the Senate. Student Veterans of America, the American Legion and other groups have been pressing Senate leadership to schedule a vote on the expanded GI Bill for the past week.  
The Patriot-News:  They served us -  now higher education must serve our returning Veterans.  Given the 16 years of continuous military activity following 9/11, it is not surprising that a large number of returning veterans are looking forward to the next step in their lives. As a nation, we should always remember their individual and collective sacrifice and courage. Increasingly, higher education is taking a larger role in providing opportunities for our veterans. About 924,000 veterans have obtained benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill, according to the Pat Tillman Foundation and Operation College Promise.  
Hugh Hewitt Show:  Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. David Shulkin.  One of the most interesting people in the United States Cabinet is Dr. David Shulkin, who is the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, and has been at the VA since taking the number two position there under President Oibama. He was promoted by President Trump, confirmed unanimously because of his private sector experience with patient-centered care. He was a CEO of Beth Israel Medical Center in New York.  
Breitbart (Audio):   Secretary Shulkin on VA Modernization: Wait Times Posted Online, Same-Day Service for Emergencies.  Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. David Shulkin appeared on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss reforms made at the V.A. on his watch, the challenges that still remain, the state of health care reform for the private sector, and the emotional Medal of Honor ceremony for Vietnam War Army medic James McCloughan.  
The Washington Times:  VA Secretary says John Kelly’s new role is a reset for the Trump administration.  Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin said Tuesday that John Kelly’s new role as chief of staff is a true reset for the Trump administration. “I think that this is a reset. I think that this is a White House that is dealing with so many issues and trying to move so quickly that it’s taking a while to learn the best way in which to organize itself internally, and to represent itself externally.  
Washington Examiner:  Longtime director of SC VA medical center fired from VA Headquarters: Report.  The Department of Veterans Affairs fired the former director of the Washington D.C. VA Medical Center, who was reassigned to VA headquarters in April, according to a report Tuesday. In a statement Tuesday, the agency said Brian Hawkins "failed to provide effective leadership at the medical center," NBC4 in Washington first reported.  
Stars and Stripes:  Report Ousted VA hospital director emailed sensitive information to unsecure accounts.  The director of the Washington VA Medical Center — removed from his position in April after a government watchdog found the hospital was putting veterans at risk — had also broken Department of Veterans Affairs policy by sending sensitive information to private email accounts belonging to him and to his wife, according to a report released Tuesday.  
U.S. News & World Report:  Field Hearing Set to Examine Veterans Hospital Allegations in New Hampshire.  U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster is convening a House subcommittee field hearing on allegations of substandard care and conditions at New Hampshire's only veterans hospital. Kuster is the lead Democrat on the House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. She says the subcommittee's chairman will join her at a field hearing in New Hampshire on Sept. 18.  
Concord Monitor:  The doctor will be in Friday, and Manchester VA patients are ready.  Be ready. Have answers, a plan. Show compassion, and mean it. Open your ears and listen. Otherwise, you’ll get a frigid reception, harsh like a New Hampshire winter, from some of the veterans who have been mistreated at the Manchester VA through the years. And there have been lots of them.  
The Denver Post:  Senators want answers about “shameful,” “Unacceptable” VA waiting times in Denver.  U.S. senators Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet want to know what the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is doing to solve the agency’s recurring problems in Colorado with scheduling speedy medical appointments, according to letters they sent Tuesday.  
The Wall Street Journal: Veterans Using Private Doctors at Greater Risk for Opioid Abuse, Patients treated entirely within the VA system fare better.  Veterans using a Department of Veterans Affairs program to seek care from doctors in the private sector instead of the VA face a greater danger of becoming entangled in the country’s opioid epidemic, the VA said Tuesday. Findings from the VA’s Office of Inspector General show that programs allowing veterans to get care from private doctors when appointments aren’t available in the VA system leave veterans vulnerable to overprescription of powerful opioids…  
Stars and Stripes:  Report: Veterans with private-sector docs at greater risk for opioid abuse.  Veterans who use Department of Veterans Affairs programs to receive private-sector medical care are at “significant risk” for abusing opioids, according to a VA watchdog report released Tuesday. New VA policies that aim to decrease opioid prescriptions do not cover private-sector doctors who sign on with the VA to treat veterans, the VA Office of Inspector General found.  
Task & Purpose:  VA Report: Vets in Private Care Are At Higher Risk For Opioid Addiction.  As the Senate today deliberated on an emergency funding bill for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ premier private-health program, a new government report is warning of “a significant risk” of addiction and health complications for veterans who are prescribed opioid prescriptions outside the VA. The July 31 VA inspector general report found that the department is having communications problems with the private-sector healthcare providers they hire to treat veterans…  
WJXT (TV-4):   Conflicting guidelines for prescribing opioids increasing risks for Veterans.  The nation's opioid crisis is having a significant impact on the veteran population, and after the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Veterans Affairs looked at how these painkillers are currently being prescribed, it finds veterans are being put at an increased risk. According to an OIG report released today, there is an immediate need for change because of conflicting guidelines for VA and non-VA providers.  
Marine Corps Times:  Marine Corps Vet’s widow searches for answers in VA fentanyl death.  A Marine Corps veteran fatally overdosed on fentanyl while under lockdown in inpatient care at a Department of Veterans Affairs psychiatric facility. Now his widow wants to know how he got ahold of the drugs, reports The Boston Herald. Hank Brandon Lee died March 4 of acute fentanyl intoxication at the age of 35. He was rushed to Good Samaritan Hospital after being discovered unresponsive in the Department of Veterans Affairs psychiatric campus in Brockton, Massachusetts, according to the Herald.  
The Hill:  Feds’ rampant use of no-bid contracts: the essence of corruption.  Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) David Shulkin just awarded a contract worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Cerner, a health technology company. Secretary Shulkin, who was seeking a firm to build the VA's new electronic health records system, awarded the contract without even considering proposals from other companies.  
Military Times  Soldier will reunite medal with Korea vet's family on National Purple Heart Day Staff Sgt. Kevin Coady discovered a Purple Heart in the 1970s, and has sought the rightful recipient ever since. On Aug. 7, with the help of Purple Hearts Reunited, Coady will reunite the medal with the family of Pfc. Jack Carl Kightlinger, a Marine killed in Korea. This is Kightlinger's story: 
VIDEO They Called Me Doc' Jim McCloughan MoH   Yesterday, the President presented Spc. 5 Jim McCloughan the Medal of Honor  Spc. 5 Jim McCloughan served as a combat medic during the Vietnam War. Nearly 50 years later, was awarded the nation's highest honor for saving 10 of his fellow Soldiers during the battle of Nui Yon Hill in Vietnam.  Meet ‘Doc’ Jim McCloughan  
Stars and Stripes  Vietnam War medic receives Medal of Honor 48 years after saving 10 men in brutal battle .  As a 23-year-old Army medic, James C. McCloughan ran repeatedly through fields of flying bullets to retrieve and treat wounded comrades in the midst of a deadly two-day battle. More than 48 years later, at 71, McCloughan was presented the United States’ top military honor on Monday.  
Stars and Stripes  Full text of President Trump's remarks at the Medal of Honor ceremony, July 31, 2017.  The full text of President Donald Trump's remarks and the Medal of Honor citation for Pfc. James C. McCloughan, July 31, 2017, at the White House.  
Stars and Stripes  Pence begins 3-nation European tour in NATO member Estonia.  U.S. Vice President Mike Pence arrived Sunday in Estonia for meetings with the presidents of three Baltic nations in northeastern Europe, the first stop of a four-day European tour.  
Associated Press   VP Pence in Estonia: Attack on one NATO ally is attack on all U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Monday strongly pledged America’s commitment to protecting NATO allies against attacks, including the Baltic states, which have anxiously watched a growing Russian military presence in the region.
Military Times   Trump considers withdrawal from Afghanistan.  The Pentagon is finding proposed troop increases for Afghanistan to be a much harder sell than expected for President Donald Trump.
US News & World Report  Trump Plans for Afghanistan MIA as Pressure Builds in America’s Longest WarThe security situation in Afghanistan is as bad as it has been since the 2001 U.S. invasion, according to a government report that casts new urgency on a stalled White House effort to determine how – and, perhaps, if – America should proceed in its longest war.
Yonhap News Agency   U.S. 'ready' to install more THAAD launchers: Pentagon.  The United States is ready to deploy the remaining parts of an advanced missile defense system to South Korea, the Pentagon said Monday with tensions rising over North Korea's latest missile test.  
Voice of America  Trump Assures North Korea Threat 'Will Be Handled' U.S. President Donald Trump uttered assurances during the start of his Cabinet meeting on Monday morning that the threat from North Korea will be taken care of.
Washington Examiner  Pentagon says Trump's transgender tweet was not an order.  But the Pentagon is taking no action in response to the commander in chief's expressed wishes because, Defense Department officials say, a tweet is not the same thing as an order.  
Politico   Kelly seizes control of the West Wing.  Almost the first thing White House chief of staff John Kelly did after being sworn in Monday was dismiss communications director Anthony Scaramucci, who he believed had become a distraction in the aftermath of a profanity laced-tirade to a reporter.  
Defense News  Selva reconfirmed as Joint Chiefs vice chairman.  Gen. Paul Selva was confirmed Monday by a voice vote for a second two-year term as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  
Marine Corps Times   New device could lighten load for Marines.   A new device idea would have supplies at Marines’ fingertips, not on their backs.
C4ISRNET  Navy applies a layered defense approach in cyberspace In addition to being the direct service link for U.S. Cyber Command, 10th Fleet, or Fleet Cyber Command, has a mission set in cyberspace for the Navy that is much more expansive than just the man, train and equip cyber mission force CYBERCOM contribution.
Air Force Times    Air Force trims eligibility for up-or-out extensions.   The Air Force is giving airmen in 106 enlisted career fields up to two more years to get promoted before they are made to leave the service under the newest round of high year of tenure extensions.  
Military Times   In their own words: Vets in Congress push for GWOT memorial.  Before the House last Friday unanimously passed legislation to start the process of building a Global War on Terrorism memorial, a line of young war veterans took to the chamber floor to offer an emotional view of the importance of the work.  
Stars and Stripes  Federal cash could go to cleanup of water contaminated by military basesThe Pentagon would receive $10 million to carry out health screenings in communities where drinking water has been contaminated by military bases under an appropriations bill amendment passed by the House on Thursday night  
The Tennessean (USA Today Network – TN):  Political debate  brews over nearly broke VA Choice health care program.  While almost every eye on Washington, D.C., last week focused on the Senate and its failed efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, another health care battle continued on the other side of the Capitol. Less than three years into existence, the Department of Veterans Affairs' Veterans Choice health program is nearly broke and often criticized for not achieving what it said it would.  
The Denver Post:  Good reasons to support the VA Choice program.  News that veterans in Colorado are dealing with long waits to get into Veterans Affairs hospitals and facilities is truly depressing, and should add weight to arguments for continued support of the Choice program that covers private visits when VA doctors are too busy. Given that our nation seems to be on a path of perpetual war, those who volunteer to put life and limb on the line to defend us ought to trust that the VA stands ready to help when injuries and illness strike.  
The Journal:  New VA Secretary outlines five priorities for improved service to Veterans.  Because the new VA secretary David Shulkin previously served as undersecretary for health, he is familiar with the Veteran’s Administration in his new role, according to the acting medical center director of the Syracuse VA Medical Center. “He very quickly identified five priorities,” Dr. Judy Hayman said during Monday’s meeting of the North Country Veterans Advisory Committee.  
Washington Examiner:  Whistleblower gets job in new accountability office at Trumps’ VA.  A government worker who has testified in Congress about problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs has a job at the new office aimed at protecting VA whistleblowers from retaliation. Brandon Coleman, an addiction therapist at the Phoenix VA hospital, will work at the VA's Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection.  
U.S. News & World Report (AP): Whistleblowers to Hear From Veterans at Town Hall Meeting, Manchester VA Medical Center staffers who have alleged substandard care and conditions Manchester VA Medical Center staffers who have alleged substandard care and conditions at New Hampshire's only veterans hospital are holding a town hall meeting to discuss the situation. The event for veterans and others is being held at the American Legion Sweeney Post in Manchester on Monday afternoon, five days after VA officials held a similar meeting.  
Concord Monitor:   VA whistleblower: Manchester should be a ‘test case’ for national reform.  One of the whistleblowers at the Manchester Veterans Affairs Medical Center said he plans to propose his workplace as a “test case” for national reform of the veterans’ health care system when he meets with VA Secretary David Shulkin this week. Dr. Ed Kois, the head of the facility’s spinal cord clinic, said he hopes to peel away restrictive layers of bureaucracy at the state’s only veterans hospital and hold it up as a model for the rest of the country.  
The Southern Illinoisan:  Bost seeks investigation of Marion VA after memo cites ‘significant declines’ in patient safety culture, employee morale.  U.S. Rep. Mike Bost of Murphysboro on Monday called on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin to investigate allegations of mismanagement at the Marion VA Medical Center that may have compromised quality of care and patient safety, according to news release from Bost’s office.  
The Daily Sentinel:  Operation: Rural Rx, Veterans Affairs showcases project to improve health care for patients living in rural areas.  Two employees and a contractor with the Veterans Affairs Medical Center were recently tasked with a project by the Veterans Affairs Center for Innovation to gain an understanding of challenges veterans in rural areas face when accessing their health care. Some of those findings were on display at the hospital Monday.  
CNN (Video):  Doctors increasingly face changes for patient overdoses.  Stanos said doctors who receive cases like these can learn a lot from the Veterans Health Administration, part of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Early on, the health care system heavily pushed opioid painkillers as part of its pain management approach. But over much of the past decade, the VA revamped its approach to pain, offering a wider variety of pain services and addiction treatment programs. The impact of these measures -- including the 2013 rollout of the VA's Opioid Safety Initiative -- was a major cut in the number of opioids it prescribed.  
Huffington Post:   Veterans Administration Approves EF (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Treatment.  Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been approved as a “generally safe” therapy by the US Veterans Administration (VA). After reviewing the extensive evidence for the safety and efficacy of EFT, a group of experts in the VAs Integrative Health Coordinating Center published a statement approving EFT and several other complementary and integrative health (CIH) practices.  
FOX News (Video):  VA resumes Caregiver Program after controversy over caregivers’ removal.  The Department of Veterans Affairs has resumed a program funding caregivers for disabled veterans after complaints led to a suspension earlier this year – though veterans across the country remain concerned about how thousands of caregivers were abruptly removed by the agency. “VA has taken immediate steps to improve the program’s operations,” VA Secretary David J. Shulkin in a statement on Friday.  
KSAT (ABC-12):  Army Vet who defrauded VA shown walking on DoJ footage after claiming he couldn’t faces up to 50 years in prison. The United States Department of Justice has released footage showing an Army veteran who told doctors he could no longer walk mowing his lawn and walking around his front yard. The footage, gathered over several months by undercover investigators with the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General, was used in June to convict 54-year-old Mack Cole Jr. of federal health care fraud and making false statements about a health care benefit program.  
Military Times  Found in jewelry shop, POW's Purple Heart will finally be returned.  Purple Hearts Reunited located Staff Sgt. Bernard Eldon Snow’s Purple Heart in a jewelry store in California. This is Snow’s story:  
Stars and Stripes  Survivor's guilt shadows veteran 50 years after Vietnam War disaster.  Steve Heinrich leaned forward in his easy chair and stared into the distance as he told the story, his mind taking him back to places he never cared to revisit. But survivor's guilt can be a powerful thing, and he figured the moment had come to try to shed some of it.  
Stars and Stripes  Medal of Honor veteran meets with jail inmates, shares story of his own challengesAfter nearly flunking out of both grade school and high school, Allen Lynch of Gurnee joined the United States Army, where he also had a rough time, nearly earning himself a dishonorable discharge before a fateful day in combat.   
Upcoming Veteran Events
American Legion Post 328, Southfield, Michigan Listing of Current Events in and around the Metro Detroit Area for and about Veterans, for the period July 27 - August 18, 2017. 
http://www.legionpost328.org/events.html  Sent in by our fellow Veteran Tim Wirkus. Thanks Tim!
Federal Business Council, Inc. (FBC) List of remaining Industry Outreach Events for CY 2017.
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation - List of Job Fairs. Updated every quarter.  Sent in by our fellow Veteran,  Jorge Cruz, Maryland, DLLR, U.S. Army (Ret). http://www.dllr.maryland.gov/employment/jobfairs.shtml
JobZone's August 2017 Job Fair events. August 2- Herndon VA ... August 15 - Patuxent River MD ... August 17 Joint Base Andrews AFB MD.  Go here for details and to sign up!  https://www.jobzoneonline.com/default.aspx 
Mount Vernon Celebrates Purple Heart Day - Monday, August 7, 2017. You are cordially invited to celebrate National Purple Heart Day at George Washington’s Mount Vernon. It is our honor to have you join us as we commemorate the oldest military decoration in the United States at the beloved home of its founder. Here is information you might find helpful in planning your visit. http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=2313d2141f19dbc004908589e&id=04795fbcf8&e=
Veterans Entrepreneurship Task Force – VET Force Meeting.  August 8, 2017, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  Being held at Department of Homeland Security (DHS) facilities.  MUST be registered by August 1, 2017, if you wish to attend!  http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1101945301720&ca=5ff075b3-0f4c-4cd1-9446-5bbde89ef58d 
2017 College Acceleration Summit -  A virtual summit. August 8, 2017.  No cost.  Take the first step to accelerate your professional growth by registering for the 2017 College Acceleration Summit, a free virtual conference on August 8. This conference will help adults access the knowledge and skills they need for success in the working world. It will feature over 20 world-class education experts, including Military Warriors Support Foundation CEO Leroy Sisco, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives President Perry Tarrant, healthcare education leaders and many more, who will lead sessions that share insights, strategies, and tactics to give you a clear plan to advance your careers. For attending, you will be eligible to win one of three $500 scholarships. The event is completely free to the general public. Register now at www.collegeaccelerationsummit.com   Please pass it along. 
GovConectx Federal Government Small Business  Procurement Event - August 10, 2017.  Falls Church, VA.  Details here…
14th Annual Elite SDVOB National Conference, August 16 – 18, 2017, Orlando, FL.  Convention website here: http://www.sdvobconference.com/   Go here for Hotel Information and Reservations: https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/resorts/coronado-springs-resort/
Virginia Veteran and Family Support (VVFS) offering Relationship Building Course for Military/ Veteran couples, August 18 -20, 2017,  Richmond, VA.  Details here…..
Marine Week – Detroit, MI – September 6 – 10, 2017. Marine Week, hosted by the United States Marine Corps in one city per year, is a celebration of Community, Country and Corps – providing the American public the experience of directly connecting with hundreds of Marines.  From September 6 –10, 2017, Marine Week Detroit will feature hands-on static displays, live demonstrations, time-honored Marine Corps traditions, musical performances and other events to showcase the history, military capabilities and community involvement of the Corps. For details: http://usmarineweek.com/
National HUBZone Conference, October 12 – 13, 2017.  Westfields Marriott Conference Center, Chantilly, Virginia. For you Veteran Small Business Owners that are also HUBZone Companies. http://www.hubzonecouncil.org/clubportal/ClubStatic.cfm?clubID=528&pubmenuoptID=29484 
Women Veterans Alliance 3-day Fall Unconference “Nourish Your Soul” October 13th-16th, 2017, City of Industry, California. For more information:
St. Joseph’s University Veterans Entrepreneurial Jumpstart (VEJ) – COHORT III – October 14 - 22, 2017, Saint Joseph’s University Campus in Philadelphia, PA. No Cost to qualified Veterans. The Veterans Entrepreneurial Jumpstart (VEJ) program is designed specifically to provide the tools, education and mentorship necessary to allow all qualified veterans the opportunity to start their own businesses.  We offer the latest training in business and entrepreneurship, utilizing the breadth of experience available through the renowned Haub School of Business, experienced faculty, and industry practitioners.  Click on following link for Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpWB347egMo&feature=youtu.be&utm_source=Ralph+Galati+Linked-In+Contacts+-+VEJ+Audience&utm_campaign=dfae0ac3ac-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_04_26&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2b5b0a4e16-dfae0ac3ac-382008989   To enroll, go here: http://sites.sju.edu/veteransservices/entrepreneurship-programs/sju-veterans-entrepreneurial-jumpstart-vej/    Sent in by Ralph Galati, Director, Veterans Services, St. Joseph’s University.  Thanks Ralph! 
Warrior Ethos 4th Annual Gala – November 16, 2017.  Save the date. https://www.warriorsethos.org/news/